David Savary Has Passed Away
We are sad to announce that Trainer David Savary has passed away.
Election Results Are In
One Owner Seat and Two Trainer Seats.
The New England Horsemen’s Benevolent and Protective Association, Inc A National Organization October 6, 2021 Ms. Cathy Judd-Stein Massachusetts Gaming Commission 101 Federal Street, 12th Floor Boston, MA 02110 Dear Chairperson Judd-Stein: As you know, the New...
Race Horse Development Fund (RHDF) Update
We wanted to post the note regarding a recent article around the use of the RHDF
2021 Election Nominations are Closed
The 2021 Election Nominations are now CLOSED. Please submit your Photo and BIO to the Election Committee.
NEHBPA Election
Note to Members: All nominations for the NEHBPA election end this Saturday, July 31st.

Mark Slaven Has Passed Away
We are sad to announce the passing of Mark Slaven. We will share arrangements as soon as they become available.
Upcoming Elections
We are writing to notify you that we have an upcoming election this August (Date TBD) and that 1 Owners and 2 Trainers seats are available

Faye Roos Has Passed Away
We are sad to announce that Faye Roos, wife of former NEHBPA President and long time board member Manny Roos has passed away.

Arthur Duffy Has Passed Away
We are sad to announce the passing of Trainer Arthur Duffy.