New England HBPA

Horsemen Helping Horsemen


Positive Development

We wanted to share with you a positive development in our long efforts to return Thoroughbred racing to Massachusetts. We have learned recently that a development team of investors in the city of Gardner and the City Council recently voted 10-1 to rezone a chosen site to allow its use for a race track. This is just one step, a positive step in the right direction to bring back the jobs and save our farms.

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Nicholas Trakas Has Passed Away

Nicholas Trakas Has Passed Away

We are saddened to hear of the sudden passing of Chris Trakas’ brother Nicholas Trakas. Our thoughts, prayers and condolences go out to the Trakas Family .

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Next Meeting

April 27th at 10AM
Location: TBD
Please call 617-744-3603 and register if attending by 4/24.

Horse Park Feasibility Study

