Our Charter

The purposes of the New England Horsemen’s Benevolent and Protective Association, Inc. are as follows:
- To promote the sport of thoroughbred racing.
- To institute or aid in any movement that will aid or protect the general welfare of the racing industry, the interests of horsemen and their employees, and of backstretch personnel.
- To bring about a closer and more understanding relationship between horsemen, racing associations, racing commissions, and the public.
- To take part and advise with racing associations, racing commissions and other racing organizations in the establishment of proper rules and conditions that affect in any manner the interests of horsemen, their employees, and backstretch personnel.
- To represent all horsemen’s interests and property rights in dealing with racing associations including but not limited to: purses, starter fees, television rights, off-track betting, interest on deposits in horsemen’s bookkeeper accounts, the negotiation of purse contracts, the improvement of facilities and all other matters of interest and benefit to horsemen.
- To perform any other act or do any other thing authorized by resolution of the Board of Directors that is not inconsistent with any law or provision of the NEHBPA bylaws.