For the record, the NEHBPA HAS ACCOMPLISHED SOME AMAZING RESULTS over the last several years.

The force behind getting the sports betting bill passed hoping that included the building of a racetrack would have an impact on getting a racetrack built with the added revenue possibility.

Protecting the revenue stream from the Racehorse Development fund helping the Breeders program and funding our Old Age Assistance and Benevolence programs.
Our recent efforts to defeat the Governors attempt to take the Racehorse Development fund were a great accomplishment by the efforts of this board. The hundred of hours this board has put into meetings to secure or convince residents of our plan to build a facility in their community has been very disappointing to say the least.

Retaining members benefits without racing
I also hope that we all realize that in our efforts to secure a facility, keep in mind, that it’s very difficult to convince a town on an extensive racing program to start. If anyone has a suggestion or an idea on where and how to help change the opinion of the residents in any community or help will the ability to find the horses to fill an extensive racing program when we get a facility, please show us how your help would be appreciated.

In closing, please keep in mine we are all working for the same results please make your input helpful and considerate of the efforts of our very hard-working board.

Anthony Spadea Jr. President